Monday, July 4, 2016

FOREVER LIVING ALOE VERA GEL.......the miracle drink

Forever Living Product Aloe Vera Gel

The powers of the aloe vera plant have long been known to mankind.  For thousands of years now people have been reaching for the treasures of nature to nourish and heal body and mind.  Many herbs and natural healing plants that we are familiar with today were a health tonic for ancient cultures, one being the miracle plant "Aloe Vera".

In Ancient Egypt the gel of the Aloe Vera Plant was referred to as the Blood of the Gods. The Egyptians did not only use it to embalm the dead.  They also swore on its healing capacity and used it to fight many diseases.  They drank pure aloe vera juice to maintain a healthy body or to fix ailments within the intestinal tract.  They also used the highly-nutritous aloe vera gel to moisturize and protect their skin.

This healing plant has survived at least 6000 years providing nourishment to people from the past all the way to people of today.  Although pharmaceuticals are often our first choice when trying to treat a condition, more and more people look for answers in nature.


The aloe vera plant, often referred to as silent healer or miracle healing plant,  is considered one of natures treasures so pure and unaltered, giving mankind back what poor nutrition and stress are taking away.  Its over 300 active compounds work synergetically to offer humans and even animals a way to softly cleanse away debris, nourish, regenerate and rebuild.

The Aloe Vera Plant contains approximately 95% liquid.  Its leafs are filled with pure aloe vera gel.  The healing properties found within the gel actually penetrate through all seven layers of the skin exerting their healing powers, rejuvenating the skin and protecting it from further damages or foreign invaders. If you have ever had a sunburn and have applied pure aloe vera gel, you might have noticed how much faster your skin is healing.

People are also increasingly becoming aware of the effects drinking pure aloe vera juice (Barbadensis Miller only) has on their health.  Hundreds of active ingredients have demonstrated the curative effects on the human organism and even on animals.  These effects are very dynamic.  Testimonials and test results obtained from medical research studies have confirmed that external as well as internal conditions can be treated with aloe vera juice & gel successfully.


The sap of the aloe vera plant contains over 200 healing components and is therefore considered a superfood.   This means that it contains all important minerals, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, etc that the human body needs to function at an optimal level. It is also considered one of the simplest and purest juices produced by nature to balance our digestive health.  

Drinking just one glass of the juice of this miracle plant everyday can make a huge difference how our digestive systems feels.

Build-up is removed from within the intestinal walls and washed out on a regular basis.  It harmonizes the intestinal flora and therefore can be a helping hand in improving many conditions.

Aloe Vera Juice can also be included in a gentle and natural body cleanse, combined with ph friendly nutrition giving your health and wellness an incredible boost.


In recent years the aloe vera plant and its potent gel/juice have gained in popularity again thanks to modern scientific studies, medical case studies and archeological findings.  Through these ancient teachings and modern discoveries it has become one of the most effective if not the most effective healing plant mother earth has given us.  It is no wonder why some people actually do refer to it as the miracle healing plant.

The Aloe family includes at least 300 different species. The true Aloe, the Aloe Barbadensis Miller contains the largest amounts of active healing properties.  It is therefore the only recommended Aloe to use for internal well-being.

Eventhough scientific studies are fairly young compared to the plant's existence, more and more researchers become fascinated with this miracle healing plant as those studies continue.  So far, science has discovered over 300 purely biological ingredients. 

In addition to vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, essential amino acids, and more, they have also isolated a compound known as acemannan, sometimes referred to as the fountain of youth ingredient.  It is possible that acemannan plays a key-role in the healing success of aloe vera.

The aloe vera plant and its nutritious compounds are proving to be the treatment of choice of many health practitioners as its potential for broad-spectrum healing is endless.  Aloe Vera's advocates are pre-eminent names in science, medicine and biotechnology research

Here is a statement from Dr. H. R. McDaniel, Pathologist and Researcher at the Dallas Forth-Worth Medical Center:  

"The use of Aloe Vera will be the most important single step forward in the treatment of diseases in the history of mankind."

Interesting fact:  It takes approximately 3-5 years for an aloe vera plant to mature. Only mature plants can provide us humans with all the healing compounds.


Alzheimer Disease:  Australian scientists conducting Alzheimer research studies have identified a toxin which they claim plays a key role in the onset of Alzheimer disease.  It is called quinolinic acid slowly killing one nerve cell after the other.   While quinolinic acid does kill nerve cells they are not certain whether it is the cause of Alzheimer disease. The Alzheimer’s research team from Sydney’s St vincent’s hopsital, the University of Sydney and Japan’s Hokkaido University found quinolinic acid in the brains of patients suffering from dementia and other brain disorders.  

Anti-Aging:  An Aloe Vera Research Study, conducted in 1984 by a former Physiology professor and director of the Research Laboratory at the University of Texas, confirmed an increased production of fibroblasts from six to eight times compared to the normal cell renewal rhythm.  Fibroblasts are producers of collagen and the main protein carrier of the skin.  The aging of our skin and the formation of wrinkles depends greatly on the activity of these cells.  Dr. Danhof also confirmed that pure aloe vera gel retains moisture and passes through all seven layers of our skin three to four times faster than water.

Aloe Vera Research & Cancer:  During a research study it was determined that an acidic environment lacking oxygen feeds fungus, bacteria, viruses and disease.  Dr. Otto Warburg has been credited with his discovery that cancer cells can't survive in an oxygenated environment.  Eating an abundance of alkaline foods oxygenates every single cell promoting super vitality and youngevity into old age. 

Catalytic Powers:  There have been several research studies conducted with patients suffering of different ailments.  One study combined pure aloe vera juice with aspirin.  It was noted that heart patients were able to lower their dosages of aspirin as aloe vera delivered the aspirin to its destination where needed at an incredible speed.  This meant that innocent bystander (other organs) weren't affected nearly as much by the drug as if taken without aloe vera.

Chemotherapy:  Pure Aloe Vera Juice supports chemotherapy treatments in a very positive way. While pure aloe vera strengthens their immune system it also reduces the harsh symptoms of chemotherapy. 

Diabetes:  The medicinal uses of pure aloe vera was also put to test on patients suffering from diabetes. During an aloe vera research study testing the effects of aloe vera juice on patients suffering from diabetes, 3200 patients were invited for the study. Half of the patients received pure aloe vera juice daily while the others were treated conventionally.  Those patients who were given pure aloe vera had obtained normal glucose levels two months into the study.  Whether this study was done on diabetes type I or type II wasn’t specified. More about aloe vera and diabetes.

Gastrointestinal Disorders:  Dr. Bland conducted a study on the effects pure aloe vera juice has on the digestive system.  Those results were published in Preventive Medicine in April 1985.  During a course of 7 days, patients were administered 6 ounces of pure aloe vera juice daily.  The results of only one week of trials indicated a reduction in indican levels by 40%.  

HIV & Aids:  In 1985, Dr. Bill Mc Anally isolated one from the the aloe vera barbadensis Miller derived polysaccharides, which he called Carrysin while at the same time Canadian researchers located an active molecule with remarkable antiviral properties.  This molecule is known as acemannan.  Conducted tests showed that Carrysin strengthened the immune system of AIDS patients and destroyed the HIV virus permanently.  Several other aloe vera research studies confirmed this discovery, especially the study conducted by Dr. Mc Daniel.  He stated that according to his studies, Carrysin neutralizes the AIDS virus by changing its outer protein shell and thereby stopping it from attacking the T4 cells.  The Carrington Laboratories received approval from the FDA to further test Carrysin on people - an attempt that according to the latest messages - is achieving encouraging results.  

Osteoarthritis:  The healing properties of pure aloe vera gel have long been known to mankind. Modern technology has allowed us to analyze its components further.  One very interesting polysaccharide, known as acemannan, is considered the miracle ingredient, at least when it comes to joint health, skin & tissue rejuvenation.  It was discovered that the human body produces acemannan until the end of puberty. After puberty its production stops and the aging process starts.  Does this mean that pure aloe vera could stop the aging process?  Well, we know that it slows down the aging process dramatically.  It has a very stimulating effect on the immune system, fighting off bacteria, viruses, parasites, reducing inflammation and repairing tissue and cartilage, keeping synovial fluid in tact, therefore protecing the joints.

Pain Relief:  Funita discovered that the enzyme Bradykinase, found in pure aloe vera gel, had a remarkable analgesic as well as soothing and healing effect on the body.

Peptic Ulcer Disease:  In the early 60s, Dr. Blitz had conducted medical research studies with 12 patients that had suffered from peptic ulcer disease.   All of them showed proof of duodenal cap lesions.   They were given daily dosages of pure aloe vera gel and no other supplement or medication.   All 12 patients had recovered from peptic ulcer completely.   Aloe Vera Gel had provided complete recovery and that even one year afterwards.  Unfortunately, the dosage and duration of the trial are unknown.  Still, fact is that it did improve the digestive disorder in all patients and is reason enough to give aloe vera gel deeper meaning than just being the typical sunburn ointment.

Seasonal Allergies:  Aloe Vera has shown to help in reducing seasonal allergies if taken on a regular basis combined with a cleansing diet.  Bee Pollen on the other hand if taken alone can reduce allergies gradually, from year to year.  Taken with aloe vera it strengthens the effect.

Toenail Fungus:  I couldnt find any official medical research studies conducted on patients who had toenail fungus.  I did conduct my own Aloe Vera research study with a client of mine who had toenail fungus. From my studies with aloe vera juice and gel I had learned that aloe vera contains anti-fungal healing agents.  In addition I also knew that a diet high in acids would allow fungus to thrive and survive.  Acids is what foreign invaders love. 
So I told my friend to do a half water, half vinegar soak on a daily basis as long as necessary.  The soak should last from 20-30 minutes.  I also asked him to eat more alkalinic food and to avoid food that would turn into acidic ash (sugar, bread, too much meat), to drink a glass of aloe vera juice daily and massage his toe area with pure aloe vera gel several times a day.
Within a couple of weeks we noticed that the new growth of toenail was white and not yellow anymore. I wish we would have taken before and after picture but it unfortunately did not cross my mind at that point.  But this whole regimen really wasn’t hard work at all.  On top of all that he said that he also feels a lot better as his digestion has improved a great deal as well.  So we cleared two problems with one try.

Imagine slicing open an Aloe leaf and consuming the gel directly from the plant. Our Forever Aloe Vera Gel® is as close to the real thing as you can get.

The miraculous aloe leaf has been found to contain more than 200 compounds. A product of our patented aloe stabilization process, our gel is favored by those looking to maintain a healthy digestive system and a natural energy level.

The first to receive certification by the International Aloe Science Council, this rich cocktail of pulp and liquid is Aloe Vera, just as nature intended.

To order call/whatsapp +234 8110940226

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