Saturday, June 25, 2016

Forever Recipe

The benefit of taking fruits cannot be over emphasised, but having a fruit cocktail is the best treat especially when you are on a fruit therapy or on the path to weight management. 

This fruit smoothie is just what you may be looking for. Try it...


2 pieces of banana
1 large Apple
1 scoop of Lite Ultra (vanilla flavour)
Chopped pineapple
Granted carrot as toppings


Peel the bananas and cut into small pieces.
Wash the green Apple, remove the back and also cut into small pieces.
Pour your chopped pineapple, banana and green Apple into a blender and blend with ice cubes.
Pour 1 scoop of Forever Lite Utra Vanilla into the mix and blend to a rich consistency

Serve with grated carrot as topping

  1. Bananas keep your bowel healthyand regulates the

heart rhythm and as well, helps
to men gain a healthy eyes.

2.  Red apples: An Apple a day, keeps the doctors away.
This is true, especially for green apples that fight free radicals from the start of the day and also helps to control vital signs.

3.  Carrots are rich in Vitamins A, C, K, B8 and Pathothenic acids,
Folate, Potassium, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Beta Carotene as well as high fibre content, giving you a full feeling, and keep hunger pangs in check.

4.  Pineapples is high in Vitamin C and Manganese. It's also a good source of antioxidants and energy booster.

5.  One scoop of Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein provides 17g of protein. Aminotein is a unique blend of enzymes
whose specific function is to breakdown protein and ensure proper digestion and optimal absorption of amino acids.

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