18 benefits of the Aloe Barbadensis Miller

There are around 400 species of Aloe plants found in arid regions throughout the world. They are each beneficial in their own ways, but there is only one species that has been recognized for millennia for its magically soothing abilities. ...THE ALOE BARBADENSIS MILLER

Forever Living Products is the largest grower of Aloe Barbadensis Miller in the world  with over 6,500 acre of Aloe plantation in the Dominican Republic. With the perfect balance of soil, the ideal temperature and just the right amount of rainfall, we grow quality into the Aloe plants. On our Dominican Republic plantation we have over 30 million plants and harvest over 1 million pounds of Aloe per week 

 External benefits of using aloe vera:
  • Great for wrinkles, age spots, wounds, cuts and abrasions.
  • It is an effective moisturizer and it will leave your skin looking supple and radiant.
  • Soothes burns and sunburn.
  • Takes care of rashes, acne, eczema and other skin ailments.
  • Effective against insect bites.
  • Great for treating razor bumps, boils and rashes.
  • It is an excellent hair conditioner.
Internal benefits of using aloe vera:
  • It has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and it is effective against arthritis.
  • Great for digestive issues.
  • It will boost your urinary tract functions.
  • Improves your immunity.
  • You will have a much healthier gum and your oral health will improve.
  • It will help to regulate your blood glucose levels.
  • Works well to soothe heart burn.
  • Great for constipation and indigestion issues.
  • Your white blood cell count will improve tremendously.
  • The quality of your blood will improve.
  • Your cardiovascular condition will be better with aloe vera.
These are 18 benefits of this amazing plant.
So however you decide to use this plant, you can be sure that it will improve your overall wellbeing and leave you both externally and internally healthy.
