Monday, December 29, 2014

Bringing You The Amazing Benefits of Aloe

Recent investigations have demonstrated that vitamins, minerals, healing plants, bee products,
polysaturated fatty acids and other natural products taken in adequate dosage, produces optimal health, preventing illnesses, helps strengthen the body's defense (immune system) and at the same time, fights diseases in a direct and effective way.

The modern medical system treats the symptoms, suppresses the disease but does little, almost nothing about ascertaining the real cause of the disease.Toxic drugs which may suppress or relieve some ailments usually have harmful side-effects and these drugs hinder the self-healing efforts of the body, make recovery even more difficult.

According to the late Sir William Osler, an eminent physician and surgeon, when drugs are used, the patient has to recover twice - once from the illness, and then from the drug.
Drugs cannot cure diseases; disease continues. It is only its pattern that changes. Drugs also produce dietary deficiencies by destroying nutrients, using them up, and preventing their absorption.

Moreover, the toxins they produce manifests themselves at a time when the body is least capable of coping with them.

The power to restore health thus lies not in drugs, but in nature.
The approach of modern system is more on combative lines after the disease has set in, whereas nature cure system lays greater emphasis on preventive method and adopts measures to attain and maintain health and prevent disease.

The modern medical system treats each disease as a separate entity, requiring specific drug for its cure, whereas the natural cure system treats the organism as a whole and seeks to restore harmony to the entirety of the patient’s being.

Products made from natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs are catching a lot of attention due to its very nature of cure: simple, no side effects, no chemicals, plus the pleasure of being able to cure yourself!!
Christopher Columbus said "Four vegetables are indispensable for the well being of man; Wheat, the grape, olive and the ALOE. The first nourishes him, the second raises his spirit, the third brings him harmony and the fourth CURES HIM".

Health and Life+style concentrates on these natural products.

Our services include

1. Health and Nutrition
2. Body Care
3. Skin Care
4. Weight Management
5. Cosmetics and Beauty Care

Apart from being able to use these natural remedies, both to cure ailments and also to prevent it, there is also an opportunity for building a successful business through them.

We will help you discover how through a simple, tested and trusted system that works. Join us as we go through the journey of discovering ourselves and helping you do same

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